2024 Parents of Oxford Enrolled Student Survey Congratulations again on your student being admitted to Oxford College of Emory's incoming class; we are excited to welcome them to campus in the fall! Please complete this short survey (~5 minutes) about the college search and admission experience. Loading...*Your email address*First name of your Emory student*Last name of your Emory student*Birth date of your Emory student*Birth date of your Emory studentJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031202520242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975197419731972197119701969196819671966196519641963196219611960195919581957195619551954195319521951195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341933193219311930192919281927192619251924192319221921192019191918191719161915191419131912191119101909190819071906190519041903190219011900EMPLID of your Emory Student (skip if unknown)*How did you first discover Emory University? (Please answer for yourself, not on behalf of your student)Social Media (Instagram, TikTok, etc.)Your studentOther Parents/SupportersHigh school CounselorCollege Search Platforms (College Board, US News, Niche etc.)Independent College Counseling Services (Paid)Independent College Counseling Services (Non-Profit)Emory Admission WebsiteMarketing EmailsCollege fairsGeneral knowledge*To learn more about Emory University as a parent, what resources did you most frequently use? (Please select the 3 most frequently used resources)*To learn more about Emory University as a parent, what resources did you most frequently use? (Please select the 3 most frequently used resources)Social Media (Instagram, Facebook, YouTube etc.)Other Parents/SupportersHigh school CounselorsCollege Search Platforms (College Board, US News, Niche, etc.)Independent College Counseling Services (Paid)Independent College Counseling Services (Non-Profit)Emory Admission WebsiteMarketing EmailsCollege fairsCampus VisitsDo you feel you received enough communication/information from Emory Universityprior to the release of your student's admission decision?Do you feel you received enough communication/information from Emory Universityprior to the release of your student's admission decision?I received too much information.I got the right amount of information.I did not receive enough information.Do you feel you received enough communication/information from Emory Universityafter the release of your student's admission decision?Do you feel you received enough communication/information from Emory Universityafter the release of your student's admission decision?I received too much information.I got the right amount of information.I did not receive enough information.Would you have appreciated a dedicated portal for parents/supporters with information related to Emory’s admission and enrollment process?Would you have appreciated a dedicated portal for parents/supporters with information related to Emory’s admission and enrollment process?YesNoDid you help your student reach the decision to apply to, and/or enroll at Emory University?Did you help your student reach the decision to apply to, and/or enroll at Emory University?YesNo*On a scale from 1-5, please rate how frequently you used each of the following social media platform to research Emory University while helping your student decide which university to attend. (1 - “I didn't use this platform at all,” 5 - “I used this platform a great deal.”) Instagram 12345 Instagram Facebook Facebook X (Twitter) X (Twitter) Tiktok Tiktok Youtube Youtube Reddit Reddit Did you feel like enough information was offered on apply.emory.edu to assist you and your student in learning about Emory University?Did you feel like enough information was offered on apply.emory.edu to assist you and your student in learning about Emory University?YesNoOptional: Is there any content you would have liked to see (or see more of) on the apply.emory.edu website?*Please select the college search platforms you used as part of your college search process (select all that apply).*Please select the college search platforms you used as part of your college search process (select all that apply).College Board (BigFuture)US NewsNicheNavianceScoirI did not use any of theseI’m not sure On a scale from 1-5, how much did you rely on college search platforms to inform your college search process for your student? (1 - “They were not helpful at all, 5 - “They were extremely helpful”) I didn't use them12345*Please select the admitted students events you attended (select all that apply). *Please select the admitted students events you attended (select all that apply). Admitted Virtual SessionsAdmitted Virtual Student PanelOxford Campus Preview DayAtlanta Campus Preview DayI did not attend any events*On a scale from 1-5, please rate how much attending one or more admitted student events helped you decide Emory University was a good fit for your student. (1 - “It did not play a part in my decision at all,” 5 “It had a huge impact on my decision.”) I did not attend any events12345*On a scale from 1-5, please rate the following topics on how important they are to you as a parent/supporter when helping your student to decide which university to attend. (1 - “This was not important to me,” 5 - “This was extremely important to me.”) Financial Aid 12345 Financial Aid Academic Reputation Academic Reputation Campus Facilities Campus Facilities Campus Security Campus Security Campus Location Campus Location Post Graduation Outcomes Post Graduation OutcomesSubmit